Learn with us
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Kiron Open Higher Education gGmbH
c/o Impact Hub Berlin
Rollbergstraße 28A
12053 Berlin
E-Mail: info@kiron.ngo
c/o Impact Hub Berlin
Rollbergstraße 28A
12053 Berlin
E-Mail: info@kiron.ngo
Corporate information based on the Transparent Civil Society Initiative.
1. Name, registered office, address, and year of incorporation
Kiron Open Higher Education gGmbH
c/o Impact Hub Berlin
Rollbergstr. 28A
12053 Berlin
Contact person: Wenke Christoph
Year of incorporation: 2015
For further details contact us here
2. Articles of Association, vision and mission
Kiron vision
A world where everyone can fulfil their highest potential for a self-determined, dignified life, shaping a sustainable future together.
Kiron mission
To provide a virtual home for learning, personal growth and collective impact.
Read our full statement here (pdf download, in German).
Read our full Articles of Association (pdf download) here.
3. Information about tax-privileged non-profit status
In accordance with its articles of association, the company pursues non-profit purposes within the meaning of Sect. 52 para 2, subpara 1 no. 7 of the German Tax Code (Abgabeordnung). With a notice of January 25, 2022, on corporate income tax 2020, the Tax Office for Corporations I, Berlin, confirmed Kiron's non-profit status in pursuing the aforementioned tax-privileged charitable purposes. Kiron is accordingly entitled to issue related donation receipts.
Annex to the notice of the Tax Office for Corporations I (pdf download), Berlin, for 2021 on corporate income tax (in German) of 13.12.2023
4. Name and function of key decision-makers
Wenke Christoph, Chief Executive Officer
Anne Parsons, Chief Partnership Officer
Hannes Rudzik, Chief Program Officer
Advisory board:
Ulrich Plett
Anna Häßlin
Nekesa Were
Peter van der Hijden
Simon Nelson
Sajitha Bashir
Jamie Alexandre
Vincent Zimmer
Markus Kreßler
Christoph Staudt
Hila Azadzoy
Tobias Ernst
5. Activity report
The Kiron Open Higher Education is a gGmbH, i.e. a non-profit limited liability company, with the purpose of promoting popular and vocational education and training (pursuant to Sect. 52, Para. 2, Subpara 1, No. 7 German Tax Code).
More about our activities: Read our Annual Report here.
6. Personnel structure:
The company had an average of 50 part-time and full-time employees in 2022.
7. Source and application of funds:
Read about the source and the use of funds in our Annual Report (s. pp. 37 and 39) and in our Financial Statements per 31.12.2021 (s. p. 5 and p. 3 of the Activity Report enclosed to the Financial Statement)
You can find our Annual Reports here.
8. Company law affiliation:
Kiron has founded a subsidiary in 2020, Kiron Digital Learning Solutions GmbH (“KDLS”), of which it owns 100% of the shares.
9. Names of persons and entities whose annual payments account for more than ten percent of our total annual income
In the financial year 2021 , the following persons made payments that accounted for more than ten percent of our total annual income each:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): 366.000€
Porticus Foundation: 232.000€
Kiron Open Higher Education gGmbH is registered in the Register of Funding Recipients of the German Federal Central Tax Office: zer.bzst.de